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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y1 Autumn 2 2022

Topic 2 - Toys

For the second half of the Autumn term we will be using our toy topic to help us with our history. We will be thinking and learning about:

History of toys:
* Identifying similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
* Comparing old and new toys.
* Ordering toys on a timeline from oldest to newest.

English: We will be writing simple sentences and learning about what makes a good sentence, including adding capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will also be learning about adjectives and how to add them into our sentences to make them more interesting. We will be writing in different contexts such as creating narratives and writing list poems about winter.

Phonics: We will have daily phonics lessons following the Twinkl phonics programme. We will be learning the level 5 graphemes and phonemes. 


Addition & Subtraction - The children will apply their understanding of place value to their new units on addition and subtraction. They will use resources to help them solve problems and be able to confidently write their number sentences. 

Shape – Learning about 2D shapes and practising our shape recognition. 

Number place value - We will be looking at this with numbers up to 20.

Science:  In Science this half term we will be looking at everyday materials. We will even be planning and completing an experiment on which materials melt ice the quickest! 

IT:  We have IT in the IT suite on a Friday, We will be practising logging on to the computers, practising mouse control and learning to type. 

PE:  Outdoor PE on Tuesday afternoons (weather dependent) and indoor PE is on Friday mornings. 

Art: This half term in art we will be learning about textiles. We will design, plan and sew our very own Christmas decorations. 

Music: This half term we will be focusing on dynamics and tempo. These will inform our rehearsals for our Winter Wonderland performance!