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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y3 Spring 1 2024

Topic 3:  Rise of the Robots

This half-term our topic is ‘Rise of the Robots’. During this half-term we are going to be learning all about forces and magnets, and we will be linking our robot theme through our art as well as our story writing in English. Our topic started with some unusual, metal objects being found in the school grounds on the first day back… we think it might have been a robot!

English – Our main text is ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes, which we will use to inspire our own robot stories full of lots of descriptive language. We will look at different ways we can describe and focus on rich vocabulary which we can use to describe our own robots designs.

Maths – To start the spring term, we will be consolidating our times table knowledge which we focussed on before Christmas, before progressing on to more complex multiplication and division. After this, we will move on to looking at and understanding measurement including money and statistics. 

Science – The children will be learning about magnets and their properties. They will plan and carry out an investigation to see what materials are magnetic and how magnetism can be useful. They will also learn about friction.

PE – In outdoor games we will be learning to play Bench Ball, and we will be extending our learning of dance from Autumn 1 within our indoor sessions.

Art – The children will look at Robot artist Eric Joyner and a variety of different sculptors. They will then learn about clay and techniques to mould and join in order to then design and create their own robot clay models.

PSHE –This half-term the children will explore strengths and challenges with a focus on growth mindset. 

RE – The children will learn about the concept of temptation contextualised within Christianity. 

Music – The children will explore historic music, focusing on Stonehenge and their music will be inspired by the sunrise at Stonehenge.

Computing – We will learn about creating animations, We will use Pivot to make a stop-go animation and also 2Create a Super Story on Purple Mash to make some animations to go with our writing.